Test Name Test Departmet Test Price
Complete Blood Count sugar 400.00
Fasting Blood Sugar BLOOD SUGAR 150.00
Periferal Blood Film / PBF (Direct Smear) EDTA 300.00
Blood Circulating Total Eosinophil Count (TCE) EDTA 400.00
Reticulocyte Count (2 ml whole blood) EDTA 600.00
Platelete Count (with blood and smear) EDTA / DIRECT SLIDE 200.00
BT. DP 200.00
HbA1c (Fasting sugar/2 ml EDTA blood EDTA 1200.00
SGPT (Alanine Transaminase)/ALT Serum 400.00
SGOT (Aspartate aminotransferase)/AST Serum 400.00
RBS (Random Blood Sugar) Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 150.00
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Serum 400.00
1 Hr 75gm Glucose Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 150.00
Glucose Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 150.00
GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase) Serum 1000.00
2 Hrs ABF Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 150.00
Bilirubin - Total Serum 400.00
OGTT-2 Samples (FBS+2Hrs 75g Post Glucose Load) Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 300.00
Bilirubin -Direct Serum 400.00
OGTT-3 Samples (FBS +1 Hr+2Hrs 75g Post Glucose L Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 450.00
PPBS (Post Prandial Blood Sugar) Fluoride (2 ml)/serum 150.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Serum 1200.00
Total Protein Serum 400.00
Serum Albumin Serum 400.00
Serum Creatinine Serum 400.00
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Serum 400.00
eGFR Urine+Serum 900.00
Serum Globulin Serum 650.00
Protein Profile Serum+ppp 800.00
Serum Amylase Serum 900.00
Lipid Profile (10 to 12 hours empty stomac) Serum 1200.00
Serum Lipase Serum 1000.00
HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) Serum 1000.00
Total Cholesterol Serum 400.00
AHBs - Total (Anti Hepatitis B Surface ) Serum 1000.00
Triglycerides(TG) (10 to 12 hours empty stomac) Serum 500.00
HBeAg (Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen) Serum 1200.00
HDL- Direct Serum 400.00
LLD - Direct Serum 400.00
ASO titre (Anti Streptolysin - "O") Serum 700.00
AHBe -Total (Anti Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen) Serum 1200.00
Rheumatoid Factor (RF) / (RA) Serum 800.00
Serum Calcium Serum 500.00
AHBc - IgM (Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen ) Serum 1000.00
Uric Acid Serum 500.00
AHBc - Total (Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen Serum 1000.00
Anti HCV - Total (Anti Hepatitis C Virus ) Serum 1000.00
Urine RME/Urinogram Urine 250.00
Urine for RE/ME Urine 250.00
Urine Ketone bodies (Acetone) Urine 500.00
Urine for PH Urine 250.00
Spot Urine Protein Urine 400.00
Anti HAV - IgM (anti Hepatitis A Virus) Serum 1000.00
24 hrs Urine T. Protein (UTP) Urine 900.00
Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio (PCR)-Spot Urine Urine 1200.00
Stool for OBT Stool 600.00
Stool R/M/E Stool 500.00
Stool R/S Stool 600.00
Urine for- C/S Urine 1000.00
Total Triiodothyronine (T3) Serum 900.00
Total Thyroxine (T4) Serum 900.00
Blood for - C/S (FAN Method) Blood 2000.00
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Serum 900.00
Stool for - C/S Stool 900.00
Sputum for- C/S Stool 1000.00
Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) Serum 1100.00
Free Thyroxine (FT4) Serum 1100.00
T3, T4, TSH Serum 2500.00
Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (ATG)/Anti TG Serum 1200.00
Thyroglobulin (TG) Serum 6000.00
TSH - Ultrasensitive Serum 2500.00
Neonatal Thyroid Stimulating Hormone # (TSH) Serum 2500.00
Beta HCG (Serum/History/LMP Record) Serum/urine 1000.00
Urine for- C/S Urine 1000.00
Blood for - C/S (FAN Method Blood 1100.00
Stool for - C/S Stool 900.00
Sputum for- C/S Sputam 1000.00
ASO titre (Anti Streptolysin - "O") Serum 1000.00
Rheumatoid Factor (RF) / (RA) Serum 500.00
Serum Calcium Serum 400.00
Uric Acid Serum 500.00
Urine RME/Urinogram Urine 250.00
Urine Ketone bodies (Acetone) Urine 250.00
Urine for RE/ME Urine 250.00
Urobilinogen Urine Urine 250.00
Urine for PH Urine 250.00
Urine Specific Gravity Urine 250.00
Spot Urine Protein Urine 400.00
24 hrs Urine T. Protein (UTP) Urine 900.00
Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio (PCR)-Spot Urine Urine 900.00
Stool R/M/E Stool 500.00
Stool R/S Stool 600.00
Stool for - C/S Stool 1000.00
Sputum for- C/S sputam 5010.00
Ascitic Fluid for C/S Body Fluid 700.00
Hair Pluck for C/S Dp 700.00
High Vaginal Swab (HVS) for C/S Swab 700.00
Nail Clipping for C/S Dp 700.00
Pleural Fluid for C/S Dp 700.00
Prostatic Smear (P/S) for - C/S Dp 700.00
PUS for - C/S Pus 700.00
Conjunctival Swab for C/S Swab 700.00
Blood Group & RH Factor EDTA 200.00
C- Reactive Protein (CRP) SERUM 800.00
Serum Electrolytes SERUM 900.00
H. Pylori IgG (Quantitative) SERUM 1000.00
Serum Ferritin SERUM 1000.00
X-Ray Skull (B/V) 500.00
USG of W/A (Color) 1200.00
X-Ray Chest P/A View 600.00
Digital X-Ray K.U.B 600.00
Digital X-Ray Cervical Spine (B/V) 600.00
USG of W/A (BW) 800.00
USG of Pregnancy (Color) 1200.00
USG of Pregnancy (BW) 800.00
USG of L/A 1200.00
X-ray lumbosacral spine (B/V) 1.00
Hemoglobin(Hb%) 150.00
Widal Test 500.00
Triple Antigen 1200.00
SERUM IgE 1100.00
Sputum for AFB stain 500.00
Fasting Blood Suger SERUM 150.00
FBS SERUM 150.00
Dengue Antibody (IgG & IgM) SERUM 300.00
Dengue NS1 Antigen SERUM 300.00
Mammography of both breast 1500.00
ECG 200.00
ESR 400.00
Urine for Pregnancy Test 350.00
Iron Profile 3600.00
TVS probe ultrasound 2.00
X-ray Para nasal sinus OM view 2.00
VDRL (Q&Q) SERUM 1200.00
VDRL (Qualitative) SERUM 600.00
VDRL (Quantitative) SERUM 600.00
Troponin I SERUM 1200.00
H. Pylori Antibody (Qualitative) SERUM 1300.00
25-OH Vitamin D SERUM 3000.00
Testosterone SERUM 1200.00
Prolactin (PRL) SERUM 1200.00
Anti Nuclear Antibodies (ANA) / ANF SERUM 1100.00
HLA-B27* EDTA+SERUM 5000.00
Anti CCP SERUM 1200.00
17 Progesterone Serum 4000.00
24 H Urine Total Protein urine 900.00
25-OH Vita-D3
25-OH Vita-D3 Serum 3000.00
Acid Phosphatase (non Prostatie) serum 2500.00
Acid Phosphatase ( Prostatie) Serum 2500.00
Acid Phosphatase ( Total ) Serum 1800.00
urine ACR urine 600.00
Activated Protein resistance APC EDTA(Plasma) 6000.00
ADA (Adenosine Deaminase Acitivity) Serum/EDTA 1500.00
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Serum 1300.00
Alcohol urine 3000.00
Ethanol Serum urine 3000.00
Serum Amylase Serum 900.00
Amylase urine 1200.00
Anti HCV Serum 1000.00
APTT Serum 1000.00
ASO Titre Serum 700.00
Bile Pigment urine 400.00
Bile Salt urine 400.00
Blood grouping & Rh typing EDTA Whole Blood 200.00
CT DP 200.00
BT.Ct DP 400.00
C-Reactive protein Serum 800.00
serum calcium Serum 500.00
Chikunguniya Antibody IgG & IgM Serum 1200.00
CK_MB Serum 1200.00
Complete urine analysis urine 400.00
Urine R/E urine 250.00
Conjunctival Swab for C/S Eye Swab 1000.00
Coombs test (Direct) EDTA 800.00
Coombs test (indirect) Serum 800.00
CPK Serum 1200.00
CSF For sugar CSF 200.00
Dengue Antibody (Igm&IgG) Serum 300.00
Dengue antigen Serum 300.00
EAR Swab c/S Swab 1000.00
Serum Electrolyte Serum 900.00
Urine Electrolytes urine 1000.00
Febrile antigen Serum 1200.00
Fecal Ocult Bloot Stool 600.00
Filaria (ICT) EDTA(Plasma)/Serum 950.00
Folic Acid serum 2000.00
H.pylori antibody serum/Stool 1300.00
Hair pluck for fungus Hair 500.00
HB electrophoresis Whole blood/ EDTA 1700.00
HBeAg ( hepatitis B envelop antigen Serum 1200.00
HBsAg Hepatis B Surface antigen Serum 1000.00
HDL Cholesterole Serum 475.00
Haemglobin EDTA Whole Blood 150.00
HIV (ELISA) Serum 1100.00
HIV(1+2) Serum 900.00
serum Iron Serum 1000.00
Serum Potassium Serum 900.00
LDL(cholesterol) Serum 450.00
Serum Lipase Serum 1000.00
Serum lLipid Profile Serum 1200.00
Liver Function Test Serum 1200.00
Malaria Parasite EDTA Whole Blood 800.00
Malaria Parasite For ICT EDTA Whole Blood 1000.00
NA+ Serum 900.00
Platelet Count EDTA Whole Blood 200.00
Pleural Fluid for ABF pleural fluid 500.00
Pleural Fluid for C/S Pleural Fluid 1000.00
Protein profile (TP,ALB,GLB,AGR) Serum 800.00
Prothombin time EDTA Whole Blood 800.00
PUS for AFB Stain PUS 500.00
PUS for gram Stain PUS 500.00
PUS for R/EStain PUS 500.00
Reticulocyte Count EDTA Whole Blood 600.00
Rheumatoid Factor Serum 800.00
Salmonela typhoid Serum 800.00
Semen analysis Semen 1500.00
Spot urine Protein urine 400.00
Sputum for AFB Stain Sputum 500.00
Sputum for C/S Sputum 1000.00
Sputum for gram Stain Sputum 500.00
Sputum for R/E 500.00
Stool for C/S Stool 900.00
Stool for H.Pylori antigen Stool 1300.00
Stool for OBT stool 600.00
Stool for R/M/E stool 600.00
Syphilis (ICT) serum 1000.00
T3,T4,TSH Serum 2500.00
Throat swab for C/S Swab 1000.00
Throat swab for gram stain Swab 500.00
TSH(thyroid stimulating Hormone ) Serum 900.00
TIBC Serum 1000.00
Cholesterol Serum 400.00
Total Iron Binding serum 1200.00
T4(thyroxine ) Serum 900.00
T3 Serum 900.00
Triglycerides Serum 500.00
Triple antigen Serum 1200.00
Troponin I Serum 1200.00
Troponin T Serum 1000.00
Tuberculosis TB ICT Serum 800.00
Umbilical swab for C/S Swab 900.00
Uric Acid Serum 500.00
urine c/S urine 1000.00
Vaginal swab for C/S V.swab 900.00
VDRL (Q&Q) Serum 1200.00
VDRL (Qualitative) Serum 600.00
VDRL (Quantitative) Serum 600.00
Widal test Serum 500.00
Wound swab for C/S Swab 900.00
Aldolase Serum 2000.00
ALLERGY PROFILE Serum 12000.00
Alpha-fetoprotein Serum 1400.00
ANA Serum 1050.00
ANF Serum 1100.00
ANTI dsDNA Serum 2100.00
Anti cardiopin antibody Serum 3000.00
Anti cardiopin antibody (IgG &IgM) Serum 4000.00
Anti cardiopin antibody IgG Serum 2000.00
Anti cardiopin antibody IgM Serum 2000.00
Anti centromere antibody Serum 5500.00
Anti HAV IgM Serum 1000.00
Anti HBc IgM Serum 1200.00
Anti HBc total Serum 1200.00
Anti HBe total Serum 1200.00
Anti HBs Total Serum 1000.00
Anti HEV IgM Serum 1200.00
Anti Microsomal Antibody Serum 1200.00
Anti Mullerian Hormone Serum 5000.00
Anti phospholipid Antibody Serum 4000.00
Anti nuclear antibody Serum 1100.00
Anti TB IgA (Elisa) Serum 1500.00
Anti TB IgG (ICT) EDTA Whole Blood 1000.00
Anti TB IgG (Elisa ) Serum 1500.00
Anti TB IgM (ICT ) Serum 1500.00
Anti TB IgM &IgM(ICT ) Serum 2000.00
Anti TB IgM &IgM& IgA (Elissa) Serum 4000.00
Anti Thyroglobulin antibody Serum 1300.00
Ascitic fluid AFB Fluid 500.00
Ascitic fluid for C/S Fluid 900.00
Ascitic fluid for Gram Stain Pus 500.00
Beta HCG Serum 1500.00
Beta thalassaemia Screening EDTA Whole Blood (4Ml) 6500.00
Bile Acid Serum 6000.00
Ca -125 Serum 1250.00
CA 12.5 Serum 1250.00
CA 19.9 Serum 1250.00
C-ANCA Serum 1500.00
CCR 24 HOUR URINE urine 850.00
17 Progesterone 400.00
Urine ACR urine 1200.00
X-Ray of pelvis None 600.00
1Hr75gm glucose 150.00
1Hr 75Gm Glucose 150.00
ASO Titre 400.00
Sputum for Gene Xpert 2.00
Sputum for C/S 2.00
PTH Serum
PTH Serum 1600.00
2 Hrs ABF Serum 150.00
Serum PSA Serum 1150.00
USG of KUB 1000.00
KUB with MCC+ PVR None 2000.00
Follicle Stimulating Hormone 1100.00
Luteinizing Hormone 1200.00
Echocardiogram 1800.00